「Tokyo Tech Bulletin(トーキョー テック ブリテン)」は、東京工業大学の研究成果やニュース記事、学生の活動などを紹介し国内外へ広く配信する英文メールニュースです。
この度、Tokyo Tech Bulletin No. 56が発行されました。
Shoen Kume - Towards a new therapy for diabetes - Regenerating pancreas from ES and iPS cells
A potential new treatment for diabetes is emerging in the form of regenerative medicine. The focus is on producing pancreatic beta cells, the cells that secrete insulin, in a test tube for later transplant. Professor Shoen Kume at the School of Life Science and Technology is working on the generation of beta cells from embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells.
Attic Lab now open - Students design new co-creation space born on Ookayama Campus
Attic Lab aims to foster more entrepreneurial minds through networking involving current students, graduates, and business people. It's an outstanding new place for Tokyo Tech students to innovate.
Tokyo Tech-led study shows how icy outer solar system satellites may have formed
Scientists use sophisticated computer simulations and observations of Trans-Neptunian Objects to understand the formation of the solar system.
ELSI Researchers Use Biological Evolution to Inspire Machine Learning
A research team led by Nicholas Guttenberg and Nathaniel Virgo of ELSI at Tokyo Tech, and Alexandra Penn of CECAN, University of Surrey UK (CRESS), examine the connection between biological evolutionary open-endedness and recent studies in machine learning.
Image of metal atom in a cluster observed through a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) released.
A metal-free, sustainable approach to CO2 reduction
Researchers in Japan present an organic catalyst for carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction that is inexpensive, readily available and recyclable. It could open up many new directions for converting CO2 to industrially useful organic compounds.
A rapid, easy-to-use DNA amplification method at 37°C
Study could advance molecular diagnosis and robotics.
This work gives an interesting example of how novel strategies to shape the body parts may appear during development, linking ecology and evolution of the limb shape.
Uncovering the hidden history of a giant asteroid
A Tokyo Tech research team, Japan's National Institute of Polar Research and ETH Zürich, deepens our understanding of protoplanet formation more than 4.5 billion years ago, in the early infancy of the Solar System.
Gas insulation could be protecting an ocean inside Pluto
Joint press release by Hokkaido University, Earth-Life Science Institute at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokushima University, Osaka University and Kobe University.
The Whole History of the Earth and Life - Movie by Hadean Bioscience Project
The Hadean Bioscience project team collaborated with CG creator, Mr. Hiromitsu Kohsaka (LiVE Company Ltd.) to produce a series of movies called "The Whole History of the Earth and Life".
In the spotlight
- Joint Workshop on Sustainable Energy organized by Tokyo Tech ANNEX Aachen
- 9th ASCENT: Short-term international exchange program organized by Tokyo Tech students
- Reflections on 2019 Japan SciCom Forum at ELSI
Emma Buchet, Science Communication Fellow, Hiroshima University - Tokyo Tech student in finals of 60th International Speech Contest in Japanese
- "Roots of Robocon" monument unveiled
- Suzukake Science Day 2019
- ※
- Tokyo Tech Bulletinは英語で配信を行っていますが、コンテンツは一部を除いてすべて日英両方で掲載しています。